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How does Buggy work ?As all game-playing programs, Buggy has 3 main parts :
When the first 2 parts are done, a program can already play well enough to defeat 99% of the world population. Indeed, the program is then very strong in tactics (short-term planning). Its enormous computing capability is its biggest asset. But, beating club players, or beating the world top players, is a different story ! In order to do so, the program has to know a lot about the game. It must understand the theory of the game, what we generally call strategy. The programmer must build a refined evaluation function, as accurate as possible, taking into account as many factors as possible. The endless problem for him is that games like Draughts or Chess, are extremely vast and complex. It is therefore very difficult to teach the computer all that the human players know (and some very simple ideas may be particularly hard to translate into a computer knowledge). Even if the program is very, very, very, very strong, you will always find a position where it plays poorly. The more you work on a game-playing program, the more you understand how brilliant the human brain is. If you want to know more about these programming techniques, please visit Jean-Bernard Alemanni's site. You will most likely find the answers to your questions. Technical data about BuggyHere are some information about the program Buggy.
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